The good people of Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction are gearing up for their 13th Northwest Indiana Earth Day, their annual family celebration.
Metro Recycling, one of four Rethink Level sponsors this year (Along with NIPSCO, NWI Clean Air, and Duneland 28), is happy to support the fun-filled event that is scheduled for Saturday, April 21, 2018 and kicks off bright and early at 9:00 a.m.
According to the Porter County Recycling & Waste website, there will be dozens of exhibitors, kids ages seven and older can build their own birdhouse, an alternate-fuel vehicle will be on display, and those in attendance can cast their votes for "Favorite School-Designed Rain Barrel" and "Favorite Artwork" at the Re-Think Art Exhibition & Contest.

On the entertainment side, performing on the Main Expo Stage will be the Silly Safaris and Dumpster Drummers. The Silly Safaris' live animal show will perform at 10 a.m. and noon, and the Dumpster Drummers will rock out at 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Guests can enjoy music while playing BINGO for prizes and Indiana 107.1 FM will be broadcasting live and providing hit tunes throughout the day.
"Metro Recycling has been a major sponsor of this annual event for a number of years. I think the folks at Porter County Recycling & Waste Reduction have made this a great event that displays the efforts of companies and organizations that commit to providing services or products to area residents who are environmentally conscious," said Neil Samahon, CEO of Metro Recycling. "We're looking forward to speaking about our services, giving opportunities to take pictures with Scrappy the Turtle and while supplies last, children can get our highly sought after "Earth Day Hero" cape."

Opportunity Enterprises will be providing on-site services for those wanting to properly dispose of documents until noon that attendees can take advantage of and for those in need of free tree sapling for white pine, pin oak or red bud trees, there will be a survey to fill out to receive, first come first serve.
The Earth Day Reuse Fair will be taking items that are unwanted but still reusable, such as flower pots, perfumes, computers, horse care items and much more to use as an opportunity to donate working and usable items to a charity of choice. Any items donated on the day of the event will benefit the following: First Christian Church (DOC), Green Research, Lakeshore PAWS Dog Rescue, Martin T. Krueger Middle School, Michigan City High School, Portage Township Schools, Westville Middle/High School, Washington Park Zoo, Working Bikes and Opportunity Enterprises.
Other major sponsors of this year's festivities include: PRATT 100% Recycled, Republic Services, Fronius USA, NWI MS4 Communities, Tradebe Environmental Services, Boy Scout Troop 907, Portage High School Marine Corps JROTC and Porter County Chapter Izaak Walton League of America.
Only a few spots remain for vendors. For more information, contact Donna Stuckert at dstuckert@portercountyrecycling.org or (219) 465-3819.
Be sure to come out and have fun while giving back. As always, admission and parking will be free!
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