Metro Recycling's mascot, Scrappy the Turtle, has been crowned champion of the Waste and Recycling News 2013 Mascot Madness competition. The Mascot Madness allowed fans to vote from mid-February to mid-April for their favorite waste and recycling mascot.
The competition was tough with 16 mascots representing regions throughout the country. Metro Recycling's Scrappy the Turtle faced a variety of competition including Phil Mee Yup, Mr. Murph, Hooper, Bimmy, MRF Man, Waste Watch, Carter, Romeo, Pena, Recycling Ben, ReUseIt/Captain Cleanup, Carbon Yeti, Globee, Buster the Combustor, and Tommy Tomorrow. Each of these mascots represented their respective recycling or waste management companies.
"Since this was a national competition, we're excited that Scrappy was able to bring home a victory for us," said LaRae Dykstra, Metro Recycling's Marketing Director. "We have worked hard to build Scrappy's image and brand throughout our industry and our communities. Scrappy has provided Metro Recycling an avenue to communicate Metro's message about the importance of recycling."
Dykstra stated that it was a close race, and at one point only one vote separated Scrappy and the Houston, Texas duo of Captain Cleanup and ReUseIt. On the final day, Metro Recycling fans rallied together to help Scrappy win. There were 11,000 votes cast in the final round and Scrappy came away with 53% of the vote. Dykstra added that in an effort to thank his supporters Scrappy performed a short thank you dance, which is available on Metro's Facebook page.
In celebration of his new crowned title, fans can meet Scrappy at the 2013 Northwest Indiana Earth Day event at the Porter County Expo on April 20, 2013. Scrappy is also available to help educate others with school presentations, coloring books and yard tours. Dykstra suggested anyone interested in the educational programs should call Metro Recycling for details.
Since 1988, Metro Recycling has been committed to the environment. The three locations in Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana believe that taking care of the environment involves the whole community. Earth Day 2013 is helping them to continue their efforts of educating staff and communities on the importance and ease of recycling.
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